Professor Mahesh Ganesapillai(VIT,India)特別講演会

“Waste is only waste if we waste it - A global perspective of municipal solid waste and the environment”

日頃は横浜国立大学のインド交流事業へのご協力ありがとうございます。今回本学の協定校であるVIT(Vellore Institute of Technology, べロール工科大)よりProfessor Mahesh Ganesapillaiを招聘し特別講演会を開催します。Prof.Maheshは、農業とサニタリー分野の持続可能性のためのバイオマスリサイクルシステムを専門とし、世界的な研究者ネットワークを構築して活躍しています。今回は廃棄物と環境についてグローバルな視点からお話いただきます。多数のご参加お待ちしております。

開催日時 2022年7月1日(金) 15:00 ~ 16:00
開催方法 対面とオンラインのハイブリッド開催

  キャンパスマップ( )

応募方法 このページの下の方のリンク先よりお申込みください。
参加費 無料
お問い合わせ 中村一穂(横浜国立大学大学院 工学研究院) 


横浜国立大学 工学研究院 中村一穂
15:00-15:05 Opening
15:05-15:50 Waste is only waste if we waste it
- A global perspective of municipal solid waste and the environment

Modern-age solid waste management has become a pivotal issue in recent years. Waste produced from various sources increases exponentially with the rise in the global population and increased demand for consumption. Many methods have been employed to keep this issue under check. Still, they face some shortcomings, making solid waste management techniques debatable in several forums. As a result, several corporations and governments devised different combinations of waste management techniques to address and mitigate the issue above in an effective and environmentally viable method. The sustainable management of waste aims to control the negative impacts of the waste and have beneficial reuses for it. The processing and transformation of waste ensures conversion of waste into an energy resource and this takes place in two vital ways: the biogenic waste transformation that includes conversion of oldest wastes, the biogenic wastes, into energy and soil amendment. While non biogenic waste transformation involving incineration, pyrolysis, gasification and recycling processes, ensures usage of waste an energy or material resource. The impact of solid waste production and management is significant on environment, especially climate change, through the fallout of atmospheric pollutants, greenhouse gases, heavy metals and organic compounds. This, therefore, calls for the utter need of sustainable solid waste management to further ensure the strengthening of sustainable development goals, recognised in global partnership. The application of techniques in solid waste management like Industrial Ecology and goals like reduction in landfills, are to ensure the strengthening of SDGs like affordable and clean energy, clean water and sanitation, sustainable cities and communities and climate action, on a whole.
Professor Mahesh Ganesapillai(VIT,India)
15:50-16:00 Discussion
16:00 Closing
